Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Days 171-177.

Well the kids are back at school and I must say my house is way too quiet!! Two of my babies are having birthdays this week.. can't believe my baby is going to be 11! Hope you're all having a great week! xx

Day 177. So not impressed.. ;)

Day 176. Good sportsmanship!

Day 175. Reading with this little bundle of cuteness..

Day 174. Smoke fills the sky so close to home!

Day 173. For good behaviour.. :)

Day 172. Presentation day for their projects & boats!

Day 171. Clear Winter sky = another cold night!


  1. My son also turned 11 this year. Amazing how fast life passes by when you have children, isn't it.
    Love, Tania

  2. Hi honey - You're keeping up better than me!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE the day 170 photo. I would love to buy a print from you of it. It is beautiful and I want to put it in my office above my desk so I can fantasize standing right where you took it. Please I'm serious, I want to buy a copy.
    The pic of Sam is great even tho he doesn't look too thrilled. He loves soccer doesn't he.
    We have three birthdays coming up in the next two weeks. Gonna be crazy fun!
    I have to get back to photographing and posting. I've been so bad about it all of July is blown!!!
    Take care lovely lade, Love Denise.
