Sunday, July 10, 2011

Days 165-170.

Hope you've all had a lovely weekend! I can't believe the holidays are coming to an end, they've gone by so fast! It's been quite cold here, down to 1 degree last night! I'm feeling the chilly drafts tonight.. time for some nice hot tea! Enjoy what's left of your weekend.. xx

Day 170. So blessed to live here!

Day 169. Signs of a growth spurt.. eating non stop & sleeping a lot!

Day 168. Tiny buds of perfection.

Day 167. Avah was here.. ;)

Day 166. He had such a great sports day!

Day 165. Domestic Goddess, yep that's me... NOT! ;)


  1. I SO love your picture of the flower buds!!!
    Thanks by the way for all your sweet comments, they mean the world and give me some extra courage to keep on shooting pictures. Made a good start on 'something blue' today by going to the park with the kids. A lovely summer day here: K. has two weeks off, a visit to the park, hardly any wind, 20°C... pure bliss. The weatherforecast for the coming days is unfortunately not so great, but at least we were able to enjoy it today!
    x Tania
